The Salvation Army Direct Mail Package
This targeted direct mail campaign for The Salvation Army aimed to create a matching gift fund for The Pathway of Hope—a program dedicated to assisting families in breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty. The primary objective of this direct mail campaign was to secure large donations of $1,000 or more from a select group of major donors. These donations would form a matching gift fund, which would amplify the impact of other donor segment's contributions and incentivize them to give. 
With the use of layered typography, vivid color contrast and photos that seem to make direct eye contact with the viewer, I designed the brochure to simply and compellingly tell the story of the Pathway of Hope program. This approach helped to highlight the critical points, making the brochure accessible and easy to digest by the audience. The use of vivid color contrasts served to draw attention to the most important elements of the brochure, such as the success stories of families who have benefited from The Pathway of Hope. These visual elements were designed to evoke an emotional response, encouraging donors to see the tangible difference their contributions could make.
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